Thursday, June 29, 2006

Knitting World Cup 2006

Annan end ka üles kui kudumise maailmameistrivõistlustel osaleja, lähem info KMM kohta siit.

Võistlustööks on heidest ja villasest lõngast kootud ja vilditud kott, materjal ja proovilapp on ka allpool näha.

Kuna see on MM, siis tulevad selleteemalised postitused pigem inglismannide keeles. Pole ammu praktiseerinud, aga parem siiski praktiseerida hiljem kui mitte kunagi :)


I've decided to join Knitting World Cup 2006 and my project is a felted bag. I've never knitted any bags and never done felting either (except for the swatch), so it will certainly be a challenge!

Here is the yarn:

heie ja villane koti tarvis

and here is my swatch:


I must admit that I had already cast on and knitted ca 8 cm before the official kick-off on June 9th but, on the other hand, I haven't been able to knit anything since then, until yesterday, so I hope I won't be disqualified... Since the idea of a felted bag came into my head, I've been checking the Internet for tips but I can honestly say that the pattern is entirely mine :)

At this moment, the main part of the bag is almost finished. Unfortunately, I don't have a digital camera, so I can't show any pictures yet.

I'll be moving into another flat in a week or so which means I need to pack and won't be able to knit for some time (although I plan to steal some minutes before going to bed or smth) but I still hope to finish the bag in time!


Et siin nii tühi ja kõle on, ei tähenda seda, et ma istun, käed rüpes, ja et eelnev postitus oli vaid kumisev vasknõu või kõlisev kuljus. Olen kirjutanud oma käsitööasju hoopis vaat siia.